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Former wine cellar and press-house of the Abbey, Tihany

The wine cellar and press-house, now a protected heritage monument, was built in the 1820's for processing and storing the grapes harvested by the Abbey. The 4000 hectoliters capacity of the cellar also made it ideal for storing the tithe wine.

Former wine cellar and press-house of the Abbey
Former wine cellar and press-house of the Abbey Photo: funiQ

The Classicist style press-house with Latin Cross plan is located north of the Inner Lake. The building has a dome which is situated at the meeting of the two lines of the Latin Cross.

According to local sources, after a phylloxera plague the cellar was only used for storing potatoes and carrots, and only at the beginning of the 20th century was it used for storing wine again.

Today, the building complex houses the Tihanyi Nagypince (Tihany Great Cellar) which offers a selection of wines and wine tasting options.

Former wine cellar and press-house of the Abbey